A few preparations go a long way – resources for moving

Whether you are moving around the corner or cross-country the key to a smooth move is in the details. First you should determine your budget and how much help you need to make the big move.  Good Stuff Moving offer 5 Ways to Move to fit your needs.

Once that is settled then there are all those pesky details that even the most organized of us miss. In this post we will highlight some of those often forgotten tasks and provide organizational tools to make your big day a success.

Before The Move

The Binder: All the moving experts agree that making a moving binder with to-do lists will be invaluable to a smooth move. Check out the links throughout this post for handy printable moving checklists to put in your binder.

A moving binder keeps all your moving notes in one spot

Martha Stewart provides a timeline guide and printable checklists for everything from how to pack your kitchen to moving plants and pets.

Using a checklist for your move to stay organized

Change of Address: It’s not just the post office and utilities that need your new address. We gave some tips about address changes in late August.   We would like to add a couple of more to the list.

  • Newspapers, Magazines and Subscriptions- Many of these can be updated with an email request or customer service login on their website.
  • School Records- Transferring of school records can take several weeks, so the sooner the better to keep your children’s routine on track.

Moving day Kit: Pack a suitcase with things you can’t live without like medications, eyeglasses, toiletries, a change of clothes, a first aid kit, water and snacks. Make a separate kit for cleaning supplies you will need right away for the new house.  (Things I have forgotten in the past – toilet paper, a shower curtain and towels).

Liquids: An often-overlooked aspect of preparing for a move is disposing of flammable liquids that cannot be transported on a moving truck. That means the gas in your lawn mower too. Make sure any engines have been emptied of fuel and any combustibles, chemicals, paints or flammable liquids are properly discarded. Minnesota Pollution Control Agency offers many tips, suggestions and   instructions on how and where to dispose of hazardous household waste.

Appliances: You know you have to defrost your freezer before the move…right? Your large appliances may seem very sturdy but actually have delicate mechanisms that are easily damaged. Here are tips from About.com for guidelines on prepping your appliances for the move.

  • Measure the doorways- of both the old and new homes to determine if doors will need to be removed before moving the appliances through them. Also be sure appliances are unplugged several hours before transport.

Parking the Trucks: It’s not just a matter of will it fit? Many residential areas require parking permits for moving trucks. Permits can actually be helpful, as you will have a street space dedicated for your moving truck. Check with your local municipality for the move out and move in parking regulations. Your moving company will also have information on permit requirements.

Did we forget something important?  What are some of the preparations you make to stay sane during a move?

Next post – we will have some tips for once you arrive at your new home.

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