College Students Moving Soon?

We are a week away from the Thanksgiving weekend, when most college students head home for a quick holiday before finals. For some of those students, this will be their last ever “Thanksgiving break” before graduation. After finals then comes the massive dash to move home or to a new apartment before Christmas, followed by job hunting. We wish all graduating college students good luck!

Good Stuff Moving aims to be the Twin Cities premiere moving company for college students moving home or to new apartments. Student moving is one of those services that we enjoy being a part of. We understand, however, that not every graduating student has much money at their disposal; we are willing to help out though! One of the many services we offer is simply basic labor, where we come over, help you pack up and then load your items into your car or truck. Of course, we are more than happy to help you physically transport your property as well.

Are you graduating this fall? Moving back home or to a new apartment? This Thanksgiving, discuss your options with friends and family. Then, ask us for a free quote! We’d love to help you in any way we can so that you can get back to the important tasks post-graduation, such as finding your first job!

For those of you who already have discovered a new apartment, but before you begin to move in, here is a handy list of 7 Things To Do Before You Move In.

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