3 Biggest Mistakes A New Snowbird Can Make

snowbirdsMany people work long and hard to have a chance to live the snowbird lifestyle.  Splitting your time between a great place like Minnesota and a warmer climate in the winter is a real treat.  If you are new to the snowbird lifestyle congratulations!  However, as a new snowbird be careful not to overlook these three important things in preparation for your move and time away.

Mistake #1: Didn’t review insurance

Many folks overlook this important task or assume that they are covered.  Be sure to verify that your insurance policies are current and that they will cover you even if you’re away from your principal residence for more than a month.  It’s worth the time to review your policies and make the necessary adjustments to cover all your potential needs for living out of the state.  This simple step will give you peace of mind and keep you from wishing you had made that call prior to your move.

Mistake #2: Didn’t notify the bank

Notify your bank and major credit cards of your new location. This simple step helps you avoid a couple of headaches.  If you do not notify the bank or credit card company, they may tag transactions as ‘suspicious activity’ from a new location and automatically shut your account down to prevent abuse.  Also, if they have a record of your new location they can tag transactions from back home or other unusual locations as suspicious and notify you of the activity.

Mistake # 3: Didn’t clean thoroughly

In the midst of the excitement to head south many new snowbirds cut the housekeeping down to a quick once over.  However, you may return to some unpleasant or unwelcome guests in the spring.  Kitchens and bathrooms require a thorough cleaning before you leave for a long period.  A January thaw combined with food crumbs or bacteria could create an open invitation to mold, insects or rodents. If you don’t have time to do it yourself hire a cleaning company to come in after you leave.

Moving to a warm climate for the winter should be a fun and exciting experience.  A little planning can go a long way in making your time away more enjoyable. We think winter is a great time to move.  And if you decide to take larger items along with you such as furniture and electronics be sure to give us a call for an estimate.  We can make a small load move very affordable for new and seasoned snowbirds alike!


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