Lighten Up: 9 Items To Consider Leaving Behind

Moving tipsSummer is high season for moving and we know our customers are always looking for ways to save money.  We put together a list of items that you should consider leaving behind lighten your load and your moving bill.  Check out our list of items to leave behind and let us know if we missed any.

The big stuff

  1. Cars and recreational vehicles are some of the most expensive items to move. Consider selling that extra car, truck, camper, boat or ATV.
  2. Appliance lifespan has shortened over the years. If your current appliances are more than seven years old it’s worth selling them or donating them to a local charity provided they are operational.  Less large items to move will cut your costs, too.
  3. Furniture is the same as appliances with a reduced lifespan. Moving to a new home may be the perfect opportunity to donate or sell the pieces that are not heirloom or have simply been outgrown. Even a few less big items to move will save you money.

The odd stuff

  1. Garage stuff probably includes a lot of items that you will never use or need. Be sure to dispose of items like insect killer, fertilizer, paint, cleaning chemicals, fuel and oil properly as moving companies will not handle hazardous chemicals.
  2. Household items are great things to sell in a garage sale. Take inventory of what you actually use and what’s not been touched for months, or years. Specialty items like a popcorn popper, deep fryer, or bread maker are good examples. Check bathrooms for personal items like that vibrating foot bath, or cleaning supplies that are expired or have not been used in some time. Sell, give away or just toss it.
  3. DVDs, books, and electronic items like unused laptops or desktop computers are heavy and take up a lot of space when packing.  Consider donating or selling what you truly don’t use.

The small stuff

  1. Clothing can be a sneaky item to pack because it’s easy overdo it. Focus on the items you regularly wear as well as your favorites and donate or sell the rest.  The climate where you’re moving to can make your decision making easier, too.
  2. Papers seem like a small thing but they can add up when you are packing. Important documents such as your passport, marriage license and birth certificates, social security card and financial documents need to remain with you during a move. Consider storing or scanning less important papers and photos into your computer.
  3. Bedding and blankets are another item that take up a lot of room. The same lifetime rule applies to mattresses. If your mattress is more than seven years old consider buying a new one once you move. Using blankets, sheets and towels as packing materials for delicate items puts them to good use and cuts down on the bubble wrap you will need to buy.

Having trouble deciding what to sell?  Call us for an estimate and we’ll help make your move a little easier.

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