Moving Soon? There’s an App for That!

Moving is hard- there is no way around that. Thanks to technology however, there are many ways to make it easier! If you are a smartphone user, you are probably aware of the usefulness of Apps. If you do not have a smartphone, we have a tip for you as well so keep reading! Our favorite moving app is called ‘Moving Van.’ Moving Van allows you to take a photo of each box before you close it up, and then document its contents right into your phone!

You simply assign each box a number, take a photo, and include as many details as you would like. You can be thorough and list each item, or be brief if there isn’t anything too noteworthy in the box. Somewhere in the middle of the two would probably be ideal. This application is fully searchable- so if you get to your new home and are missing the toothbrushes, you can simply do a quick search for “toothbrush” or “toiletries” or “bathroom” (depending on your level of thoroughness) and the app will tell you what box you need to open.

If you do not have a smartphone, you can follow this basic idea by using a digital camera and notepad. Give each box a number, take a photo (ideally with the number visible as well!) and then make a quick list on the notepad of what each box contains. One may argue that this is no easier than just making a list directly on the box itself, but we definitely think that glancing through a few pages in a notebook is much easier than reading lists on every box.

The Moving Van app is currently only available on the iOS devices (iphone and ipad) but Android has a similar app called Moving Planner. Good luck with your move, and contact us if you need help!

{photo by itunes}

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